Kids Game: DIY Pick-Up Sticks
Thanks to a rash of unseasonably warm days we've been able to head outdoors more often this winter but if your home is suffering through a bout of cabin fever here's a quick DIY game you can make and play with the kids!
washi tape
decoupage medium
Step One: Clip the sharp tips off of your skewers. I used all purpose scissors.
Step Two: Wrap washi tape in rows on each end of the skewer. Classic game colors are red, blue, yellow, and green, but you're free to mix things up. I found it easiest to cut one inch pieces, line them up on the edge of the desk, and then wrap them around the skewers.
I chose to wrap two colors with two stripes and two colors with three stripes. The number of stripes on the stick denote how many points it is worth. Again, you are free to assign whatever points you want to each color.
Most of the washi stayed in place but to secure it I decoupaged over the end flap.
This game is best played on a flat, smooth surface. To start, hold all the sticks in your fist (see the top picture in this post) and then let them go. The goal of the game is to pick up A STICK without disrupting (moving) any of the others. If you fail, your turn is over. You can only pick up one stick per turn. At the end of the game, count up your points to determine the winner!
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